Tuesday 17 January 2012

Roasted Carrot Soup...

Interesting enough, after a long day in the office there isn't anything quite as comforting as a big bowl of hot soup and a slice of bread. I was really happy when I found this Donna Hay's roasted carrot soup recipe, as it was something familiar but with the volume turned up. Roasting the veggies does enhance their flavour and the end result is completely different from a regular carrot soup.
As usually, I changed a few things! The recipe is actually a roasted carrot and herb dumpling soup, but I decided to leave the herb dumplings out, although I'm definitely trying them sometime soon :)

(1) Preheat the oven to 180º C;
(2) Peel and roughly chop 1 kg of carrots;
(3) Peel and roughly chop 340gr of brown onions;
(4) Combine the carrots, onions, one tablespoon of olive oil, one teaspoon of cumin, black pepper and sea salt to taste in a baking tray;
(5) Roast for 30 minutes or until the carrots are tender - in my case, it took about 45 minutes;
(6) Put the carrots and onions into a blender, add 1.5 litres of vegetable stock and blend until smooth - I didn't have vegetable stock so I used chicken stock;
(7) Place the mix in a saucepan over medium heat, add one cup (250 ml) of single cream and bring the soup to the boil - I used greek yogurt instead of cream;
(8) If for some reason the soup isn't as smooth and creamy as you want, just use an hand blender til it gets to the right consistency.


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